Arts Los Altos Events


Photo Credits: Joel Bartlett

Our events promote community-building experiences, provide educational opportunities and introduce supporters to incredible artists and their work. These events provide more insight into our projects and a chance for individuals to learn more about public art, often from the artists themselves.

Arts Los Altos presents
A Live Painting Art Battle!
Sunday, October 13, 2024, 11-2pm
Location: State Street Market, downtown Los Altos

Many thanks to Cameron Moberg and his wife Crystal, the Art Battle’s masterminds and master of ceremonies, for a fantastic event that everyone enjoyed.

Thanks also to State Street Market for providing the perfect venue, as well as Los Altos Community Investments for providing cash prizes to the winners of the Art Battle.

Thanks to all the artists: Roan Victor, Elba Raquel Martinez, Nora Bruhn, Francisco Ramirez, Emily Fromm and Ben Henderson, for their creative treatments of the theme “Connections”, provided to the artists in advance.

Last, but not least, thanks to Arts Los Altos volunteer Alis Whitman for supervising the “hands on” art projects outside…a very popular activity among the young, and young-at-heart, and to Joel Bartlett for the wonderful photography below. A great time was had by all!

And the winners are…

Roan Victor, juried vote prize

Elba Raquel Martinez, popular vote prize


Arts Los Altos presents
Artist Reception and New Mural Unveiling
First Friday, September 6, 2024, 6-7pm
Location: Red Berry Coffee Bar, 145 Main St.,
Downtown Los Altos

You are invited to celebrate a new mural in downtown Los Altos. Meet the artist, Fernanda Martinez, an Oakland-based artist, born and raised in Mexico City. She designed and painted this mural entitled Senderos Neustros (Our Trails), which adorns the back of the building housing Red Berry Coffee Bar, and represents Arts Los Altos’ 15th public art installation. Martinez was selected for this project because of her bold, abstract style that complements the Arts Los Altos mural, La Cosecha (The Harvest), which enlivens the Tal Palo restaurant patio nearby. Tal Palo will provide complimentary Agua Frescas and appetizers nearby. Live music compliments of First Friday. RSVP here.

The Los Altos History Museum presents
Community Conversations with Arts Los Altos
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Maddy McBirney and Karen Zucker, Co-directors of Arts Los Altos spoke and led a lively discussion. It was a full house and attendees shared their thoughts on various aspects of public art. Everyone who attended was very appreciative of Arts Los Altos bringing public art to downtown Los Altos.

The Los Altos Arts & Wine Festival
Paint-by-Number Mural
July 13-14, 2024

Arts Los Altos hosted an art activity at the 45th Los Altos Arts & Wine Festival, commissioned by the Los Altos Village Association. Two 4’ x 8’ panels were painted by community members attending the festival. The design, by Jorge Juarez from Koichi Arts, represents a child’s view of Redwood Grove, a beloved municipal park along Adobe Creek. The mural now graces the 3rd Street side of Chase Mortgage at 199 Main Street in downtown Los Altos.

City of Los Altos and Town of Los Altos Hills present
The Joint Community Volunteer Service Awards
Friday, December 8, 2023, Crowne Plaza, Palo Alto, CA

Maddy McBirney and Karen Zucker, co-founders of Arts Los Altos, were honored for their volunteer contributions and dedication to bringing public art to private property in downtown Los Altos.

For 40 years, the City of Los Altos and the Town of Los Altos Hills have held a luncheon to recognize a few select individuals who have provided extraordinary volunteer services in our community. The awardees are selected by a 12-member committee, who are appointed by the two City Councils.

Congratulations for this well-deserved recognition!

Los Altos Community Mural
Meet the Artist ~ Art Opening
First Friday, December 1st at 6pm
Reitmeir’s Werkstatt, 309 First Street, Los Altos

Art, music, and community came alive under the stars. At 6pm on Friday December 1st, an Arts Los Altos Walking Tour of twenty-five people shining flashlights arrived on foot and Cameron Moberg, the mural artist, arrived by vintage VW bug. A large crowd assembled to celebrate a new mural, enjoy a glass or wine, and hear Cameron speak about how 100 community members donned protective gear, shook cans and leaned in to give the Reitmeir’s Werkstatt building a one-of-a-kind showcase mural.

Community Mural Event
Saturday, September 23, 2023

Arts Los Altos organized and sponsored a Community Mural Event which included a 100-person sold-out workshop by SF street artist Cameron Moberg of Talking Walls. Staggered groups of workshop participants (many students from local high schools) learned spray paint techniques on a practice wall and together completed a public art masterpiece on Reitmeir Werkstatt’s wall off First Street. A continuous gallery of spectators enjoyed the food truck and music, while watching the mural come to life. It was a festive day of art, music, creativity and community!

Artist Reception & Art Unveiling
California Birds, Stewards of the Environment
Friday, July 7, 2023

Arts Los Altos hosted an event to celebrate the completion of a mural, California Birds, Stewards of the Environment by artist Roan Victor. Co-founders Maddy McBirney and Karen Zucker thanked the artist, as well as Comerica Bank representatives, Suresh Nair - VP Banking Center Manager, Cathy Hedges - District Manager and John Fitzgerald - Regional Manager, for giving permission to use two walls at their 275 Third Street location in downtown Los Altos.

Attendees were treated to wine and small bites, as well as live music provided by First Friday festivities.

Art Opening for La Cosecha
(The Harvest)

Friday, April 7, 2023

Arts Los Altos and Tal Palo jointly hosted an event to celebrate the completion of La Cosecha (The Harvest), a mural designed by artist Rocca Luis César from Guadalajara, Mexico who created the design, and local muralist Nigel Sussman who implemented the artwork in Tal Palo’s patio. The sold-out crowd enjoyed treats from Tal Palo’s kitchen and live entertainment by Mexican dancers and musicians.

Our First Fundraiser
Fall Equinox Wine Tasting
& Live Painting

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Artist Reception & Art Unveiling
Be The Change
by SF Artist Cameron Moberg
November 2021

Artist Reception & Art Unveiling
200 Main Street
by Martha Sakellariou
May 2021

Artist Reception & Art Unveiling
Mandahlia by Hybycozo
November 2020

Artist Reception & Art Unveiling
Floral Therapy by Nora Bruhn
September 2020

Arts Los Altos: Public Art and Placemaking

Hear how Arts Los Altos is making things happen with its vision to create opportunities for Public Art within our community.